Topic: beautifullz

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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wow creative   
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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ashkhan said:

wat thread r there more pics of other members everoone is on about.

Well the one I was talking about was called something like 'Share your photos' in (FoS) it was ages ago, like almost a year, so you would have to archiving but that's very time comsuming, maybe one of the mods knows of a short cut to get to the thread?
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Thanks for the compliments AshKhan and Dolly    I think I look better now then I did when I was 16
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Don't have any new photos on this computer, so here some old ones (very old - when I was 16!)

with friends in highschool

and the one already on JB in another thread (me at 19)

Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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have you been to india?
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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WAFA said:

wese most of the members have already posted their pics in other threads

yep so have i, but will post the same pic here as well
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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is this the place to tell me that? and FYI it's 63.1 KB which is under heavy.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Topic: PAKistan

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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man you worked in a cool place, my co-workers would never dress up in golden foil!
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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oh yes, many times

ever made a snowman?
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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SupidGuy said:



In other words, very eligible.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Sensitive. Outlandish. Bitter. Independant. Vain.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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AshKhan posts always make me smile and inspired.

Also anyone conterversial! So I can have a heated discussion with
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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all the info on her latest/future movies can be found on her fan site "aiswarya forever"
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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so many ill duas come from my heart for this sicko, there's nothing, absolutly nothing I hate more than child molesters.

But i admire his wife for standing up against him, so many times the victims and their familes stay silent for fear of badnamee.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Topic: PAKistan

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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JJPR you've asked a very valid question, I think if every pakistani asked the same question someone would eventually say "Let's do something about all the filth in our land!" I think to clean the nation up we have to start with our selves, improving our own character and livestyles, others will follow.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Abortion is a very conterversial issue although the intention is noble, I think your baby girl letter is a bit over the top, edging on emotionally disturbing and sounds very Christian, espcially the part where it says about god - "he was my father" muslim faith is anti that concept.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Topic: Homosexuality

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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ashkhan said:

i think we as humans r very wrong in not accepting ppl with this diability, they r humans, and they shouldnt b treated any different....

You're right, gays shouldn't be treated any differently, after all at the end of the day what someone's sexual preferance is, is no one's buisness and it's shallow to judge someone based on their sexuality. I disagree with you one point though, it's not a disability, it's persuing desires which are haram.
Posted 23 Oct 2005

Topic: PAKistan

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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corruption my friend. corruption and jahalath are eating away at pakistan, which you so rightly put it is not the pure place it should be.

plus also the hindu influence which is so intergrated with our society that we carry out hindu customs and hold hindu principles without even realizing.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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yep my family has no intention of celebrating this year, even our iftars are very simple out of respect.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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white rose or lilly?
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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will u change ur av soon

nope! gonna keep it for as long as i can.

have you been to karachi?
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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chander mokhi kahan   ho yare

hamery dost ho yah nahi?????

aray yaar what type of question is that? dost forever!

p.s. i didn't see your post before sorry!
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Topic: UsHEr

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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do i like usher? all i can say is YEAH!

he is the best dancer i have seen.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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BadShaH1 said:

just want to say
dont lose ur identity

I'm not making personal comments on you Badshah so you better keep your comments to the limits of my arguments and not take a step further to talk about ME.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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I personally don't care what hidden agenda the aid workers's countries have, if they even have sinister motives or are doing it out of love for humanity. At the end of the day the saved people's lives and that gains them appriciation in my books.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Diya123 said:

ASH is the most beautiful women I have ever seen

she sure is, and imao i've collected the best pics of her.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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monica bellucci and amina shiffat - they both look alot alike.
Posted 20 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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What happened to the man? was he prosecuted?
Posted 14 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Posted 12 Oct 2005